Path of Exile Builds

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Displaying entries 161 - 180 out of 248

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Path of Exile Shadow Build
Submitted on January 18, 2014 - 11:37AM CST. Average Rating: 0 / 5. Total Votes: 0. Created by matheusfpinto
Evasion + DPS Evasion + DPS Evasion + DPS Evasion + DPS Evasion + DPS

Path of Exile Scion Build
Submitted on January 28, 2014 - 12:00PM CST. Average Rating: 0 / 5. Total Votes: 0. Created by poebuild
7 frenzy charges, 3 unique items, 3 auras, extreme clear speed

Path of Exile Templar Build
Submitted on February 1, 2014 - 8:16PM CST. Average Rating: 0 / 5. Total Votes: 0. Created by Wrayne
Cryomancer - Templar using 2 handed axes and frost magic and is a tanky beast thanks to armor & energy shield. (This is just my private build I made for myself to level up my templar. Though of course anyone can use it and feedback is appreciated.)