(Outdated) Flicker Strike Screen Shaker (Scion)
Submitted by poebuild on January 28, 2014 - 12:00PM CST
Page Views: 7187
Last Updated: January 28, 2014 - 12:03PM CST
7 frenzy charges, 3 unique items, 3 auras, extreme clear speedSuggested Leagues: Standard, Domination
Passive Skills
Each link will open in a new tab in your browser.Gems
Head (The Bringer of Rain)

Blood Magic


Melee Splash

Flicker Strike
Weapon (Terminus Est)

Blood Magic


Life Leech

Faster Attacks

Leap Slam
Boots (The Blood Dance)

Reduced Mana



Purity of Elements

Cast When Damage Taken

Enduring Cry

Warlords Mark

Blood Rage
Alternative auras




Flask Set 1

Life Flask

Life Flask

Granite Flask

Diamond Flask

Quicksilver Flask
Help Oak in Normal Difficulty - Rewards +40 to Maximum LifeHelp Oak in Cruel Difficulty - Rewards +12% to Physical DamageHelp Kraityn in Merciless Difficulty - Rewards +1 to Maximum Frenzy ChargeGear
3 uniques:BoR, Terminus est, The Rlood Dance
Flicker Strike - main spell, links self explanatory, can do without BoR but then a 6L chest is required. Terminus est gives frenzy charges on crit, gives more flicker strike chains when used with passive crit nodes + items(+crit stats) + diamond flask. normally anything should be dead or in culling range when the frenzy charges run out. If they ever run out at all ;)Cyclone - support spell, used to generate frenzy charges at the beginning of each flicker strike chain, by critting.
Cast when damage taken - enduring cry and warlords mark help with the survivability, if u feel cocky u can replace warlords mark with crit weakness. blood rage is a must, it helps with frenzy charge generation and attack speed.
The blood dance - life regen per frenzy charge is just too good, it ignores all degen from blood rage and give extra movement speed at the cost of pretty much nothing.
Auras - when reduced mana reach level 15 u can run 3 auras, 2x 60% + 1x 40%, I run 2 damaging auras and 1 purity, they can obviously be swapped out for defensive auras like grace and determination.
Jewellery - get life and resist