Path of Exile Builds

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Displaying entries 21 - 31 out of 31

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Path of Exile Duelist Build
Submitted on November 19, 2013 - 7:01PM CST. Average Rating: 0 / 5. Total Votes: 0. Created by Burgy
Rather simple: title says it all. Comments/suggestions with rationals welcome.

Path of Exile Duelist Build
Submitted on November 17, 2013 - 10:22PM CST. Average Rating: 0 / 5. Total Votes: 0. Created by mac2monster
lifesteal based Claw duelist with some thought to dps.

Path of Exile Duelist Build
Submitted on November 16, 2013 - 6:15AM CST. Average Rating: 0 / 5. Total Votes: 0. Created by ghetsu
This build will help me throughout my lvling

Path of Exile Duelist Build
Submitted on November 6, 2013 - 12:26AM EST. Average Rating: 5 / 5. Total Votes: 1. Created by DaRealManLvlFive
Since everyone is asking for new tree, here it is guys. CHECK OUT FUTURE CONTENT ON YOUTUBE:

Path of Exile Duelist Build
Submitted on November 4, 2013 - 10:20PM EST. Average Rating: 0 / 5. Total Votes: 0. Created by Scyre
all of the equips are uniques

Path of Exile Duelist Build
Submitted on October 30, 2013 - 5:16PM EST. Average Rating: 0 / 5. Total Votes: 0. Created by Sarterius
This Build is Based on a High Defence with insane attackspeed and Splash Damage to kill your Enemies. This Build is still in the creation-prozess. It might be still very bad. Im testing it out

Path of Exile Duelist Build
Submitted on October 29, 2013 - 5:18PM EST. Average Rating: 3 / 5. Total Votes: 2. Created by Baseley
Spin to win Cyclone build, GG too easy.

Path of Exile Duelist Build
Submitted on October 27, 2013 - 4:49PM EST. Average Rating: 3 / 5. Total Votes: 2. Created by damaein
My take on the blender build. Focuses heavily on defensive HP and RES while taking efficient DPS nodes. Efficiency in point utilization was a heavy focus.

Path of Exile Duelist Build
Submitted on September 14, 2013 - 9:43PM EST. Average Rating: 0 / 5. Total Votes: 0. Created by caveman
dominating blow sword and board user

Path of Exile Duelist Build
Submitted on August 23, 2013 - 7:43PM EST. Average Rating: 0 / 5. Total Votes: 0. Created by chibisann
Hello everyone! This build will make your Duelist an undying tank, who deals HEAVY DPS Dmg against any foe.

Path of Exile Duelist Build
Submitted on March 22, 2013 - 9:02AM EST. Average Rating: 0 / 5. Total Votes: 0. Created by Vertraag
Lightning Arrow, Frenzy, and Bear Trap - high survivability and high DPS!

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