(Outdated) dominating tank. (Duelist)
Submitted by caveman on September 14, 2013 - 9:43PM EST
Page Views: 4783
Last Updated: October 29, 2013 - 1:12AM EST
dominating blow sword and board userSuggested Leagues: Standard
Passive Skills
Each link will open in a new tab in your browser.Gems
the bringer of rain

Dominating Blow


Melee Splash

Life Leech
4l hand

Enduring Cry

Cast When Damage Taken

Molten Shell

Blood Magic
4l/ boots

Cast When Damage Taken

Warlords Mark

Rejuvenation Totem

Blood Magic
3l soul taker

Immortal Call

Increased Duration

Blood Magic
3l lioneye remorse

Reduced Mana


Flask Set 1

Granite Flask

Life Flask

Quicksilver Flask

Life Flask

Life Flask
Help Oak in Normal Difficulty - Rewards +40 to Maximum LifeKill all the bandits in Cruel Difficulty - Rewards 1 Passive Skill PointKill all the bandits in Merciless Difficulty - Rewards 1 Passive Skill PointGear
the bringer of rain mid to hi rollSoul taker siege axe
lionseye's remorse pinnacle tower shield
carnage heart /10% LL
tri resit + hp belt -rustic sash if possible
tri resit + ms eva/armor boots
+ias eva/armor hands with resit you need to make cap
rings are optional use these for w/e u need to make up via resit,life,dps, whatever yha need
aside from being a gear dependent build its pretty straight forward , a tank who does not spend mana nor life to sustain its attack , you can also swap out dom with infernal blow/heavy strike if u are grouping and they dont like summonsComments
Posts: 5
lame u cant delte post
11 years ago
Posts: 5
ok a few things ,first why are u linking cleave with iron will? don't know if you mean for this or was a mistake ,second this build look like suicide you dont have crap for hp nodes yha need to sacrifice some of them sword specs nodes for more hp nodes and i don't think vaal great sword is the way to go, a rare Lion Swordbe nice but i guess any good rolled rare 2 h sword will be do there hard to come buy tho. As for your node path goes.... you are all over the place and it looks messy if u are new id suggest looking at skinny whirlwind barbarian build i realize its meant for a duelist but a marauder can pull it off also.if u are hellbent on making your own id suggest chasing after more hp nodes other wise maps are going to own yha and i dont advise using nodes to get resit its a waste of nodes and can be made up with thru gear only worth doing if u got crap gear but plan to upgrade for better resit gear
11 years ago