(Outdated) dominating tank. (Duelist)

Submitted by caveman on September 14, 2013 - 9:43PM EST
Page Views: 4783
Last Updated: October 29, 2013 - 1:12AM EST

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dominating blow sword and board user

Suggested Leagues: Standard

Passive Skills

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the bringer of rain

Dominating Blow

Attacks the enemy with a melee strike. If a non-unique enemy is killed shortly after being hit by Dominating Blow, that enemy is revived as a minion until the skill duration ends.

Dominating Blow

Causes you to attack quickly three times with a melee attack. New targets are selected for subsequent attacks if available.

Melee Splash

Adds an area of effect splash radius to a single target melee attack.

Melee Splash
Life Leech

Restores players life based on damage dealt to enemies.

Life Leech

4l hand

Enduring Cry

Performs a warcry, adding endurance charges proportional to the number of surrounding enemies. Taunts all nearby enemies to attack the caster.

Enduring Cry
Cast When Damage Taken

Supported skills have a chance to cast supported spells when you take damage. You cannot cast supported spells directly. Also reduces damage taken.

Cast When Damage Taken
Molten Shell

Summons fiery elemental shields providing additional armour for a short duration. If cumulative physical damage prevented by your blocking or armour reaches a threshold, the shields explode outwards, dealing fire damage to surrounding enemies.

Molten Shell
Blood Magic

This skill is cast using life rather than mana.

Blood Magic

4l/ boots

Cast When Damage Taken

Supported skills have a chance to cast supported spells when you take damage. You cannot cast supported spells directly. Also reduces damage taken.

Cast When Damage Taken
Warlords Mark

Curses all targets in an area. Attacks on the cursed targets will leech life and mana, and killing them will result in more flask charges and a chance to gain an endurance charge.

Warlords Mark
Rejuvenation Totem

Summons a totem that has an aura which regenerates life for you and your nearby allies.

Rejuvenation Totem
Blood Magic

This skill is cast using life rather than mana.

Blood Magic

3l soul taker

Immortal Call

Discharges Endurance Charges, making the character invulnerable to physical damage for a short time, proportional to how many endurance charges were expended.

Immortal Call
Increased Duration

Increases the duration of the skill.

Increased Duration
Blood Magic

This skill is cast using life rather than mana.

Blood Magic

3l lioneye remorse

Reduced Mana

Reduces the mana cost of the skill.

Reduced Mana

Casts an aura that increases the cold damage of you and your allies.


Casts an aura that grants evasion to you and your allies.



Flask Set 1

Granite Flask

Increases Armor by 3,000 for 4 seconds.

Consumes 30 out of 60 charges on use.

Each percentage of quality adds .04 seconds to the duration.

Granite Flask
Life Flask

Restores 960 Life over 8 seconds.

Consumes 10 out of 30 charges on use.

Each percentage of quality adds 1% Life restored.

Life Flask
Quicksilver Flask

Increases Movement Speed by 40% for 5 seconds.

Consumes 20 out of 50 charges on use.

Each percentage of quality adds .05 seconds to the duration.

Quicksilver Flask
Life Flask

Restores 960 Life over 8 seconds.

Consumes 10 out of 30 charges on use.

Each percentage of quality adds 1% Life restored.

Life Flask
Life Flask

Restores 960 Life over 8 seconds.

Consumes 10 out of 30 charges on use.

Each percentage of quality adds 1% Life restored.

Life Flask


Help Oak in Normal Difficulty - Rewards +40 to Maximum Life
Kill all the bandits in Cruel Difficulty - Rewards 1 Passive Skill Point
Kill all the bandits in Merciless Difficulty - Rewards 1 Passive Skill Point


the bringer of rain mid to hi roll
Soul taker siege axe
lionseye's remorse pinnacle tower shield
carnage heart /10% LL
tri resit + hp belt -rustic sash if possible
tri resit + ms eva/armor boots
+ias eva/armor hands with resit you need to make cap
rings are optional use these for w/e u need to make up via resit,life,dps, whatever yha need


aside from being a gear dependent build its pretty straight forward , a tank who does not spend mana nor life to sustain its attack , you can also swap out dom with infernal blow/heavy strike if u are grouping and they dont like summons


Posts: 5
lame u cant delte post
11 years ago
Posts: 5
ok a few things ,first why are u linking cleave with iron will? don't know if you mean for this or was a mistake ,second this build look like suicide you dont have crap for hp nodes yha need to sacrifice some of them sword specs nodes for more hp nodes and i don't think vaal great sword is the way to go, a rare Lion Swordbe nice but i guess any good rolled rare 2 h sword will be do there hard to come buy tho. As for your node path goes.... you are all over the place and it looks messy if u are new id suggest looking at skinny whirlwind barbarian build i realize its meant for a duelist but a marauder can pull it off also.if u are hellbent on making your own id suggest chasing after more hp nodes other wise maps are going to own yha and i dont advise using nodes to get resit its a waste of nodes and can be made up with thru gear only worth doing if u got crap gear but plan to upgrade for better resit gear
11 years ago

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