2.1.0 (12/11/2015)DUELIST SpecThrow TANK with INSANE DPS (Duelist)

Submitted by DaRealManLvlFive on November 6, 2013 - 12:26AM EST
Page Views: 172583
Last Updated: December 12, 2015 - 6:40PM CST

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Since everyone is asking for new tree, here it is guys. CHECK OUT FUTURE CONTENT ON YOUTUBE:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=udFuxA-4UZg

Suggested Leagues: Hardcore

Passive Skills

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Gem Set #-6

Spectral Throw

Throws a spectral copy of your melee weapon. It flies out and then returns to you, in a spinning attack that strikes enemies in its path.

Spectral Throw
Added Fire Damage

Adds fire damage to a skill, giving it a chance to ignite targets.

Added Fire Damage
Lesser Multiple Projectiles

Causes 2 additional projectiles to be fired by projectile skills.

Lesser Multiple Projectiles
Added Cold Damage

Adds cold damage to a skill, giving it a chance to freeze targets.

Added Cold Damage

Gem Set #-5

Melee Damage on Full Life

While you're on full life, melee skills deal increased damage.

Melee Damage on Full Life
Added Fire Damage

Adds fire damage to a skill, giving it a chance to ignite targets.

Added Fire Damage
Melee Physical Damage

Increases melee physical damage dealt.

Melee Physical Damage

Gem Set #-4


Casts an aura that grants evasion to you and your allies.


Casts an aura that adds fire damage to the attacks of you and your allies.


Casts an aura that grants life regeneration to you and your allies.



Flask Set 1

Life Flask

Restores 960 Life over 8 seconds.

Consumes 10 out of 30 charges on use.

Each percentage of quality adds 1% Life restored.

Life Flask
Life Flask

Restores 960 Life over 8 seconds.

Consumes 10 out of 30 charges on use.

Each percentage of quality adds 1% Life restored.

Life Flask
Jade Flask

Increases your Evasion Rating by 3,000 for 5 seconds.

Consumes 40 out of 60 charges on use.

Each percentage of quality adds .04 seconds to the duration.

Jade Flask
Granite Flask

Increases Armor by 3,000 for 4 seconds.

Consumes 30 out of 60 charges on use.

Each percentage of quality adds .04 seconds to the duration.

Granite Flask
Quicksilver Flask

Increases Movement Speed by 40% for 5 seconds.

Consumes 20 out of 50 charges on use.

Each percentage of quality adds .05 seconds to the duration.

Quicksilver Flask


Help Oak in Normal Difficulty - Rewards +40 to Maximum Life
Help Oak in Cruel Difficulty - Rewards +12% to Physical Damage
Kill all the bandits in Merciless Difficulty - Rewards 1 Passive Skill Point


HEY guys, since 1.3 is out and a lot of people are wanting the new updated skill tree here it is. Sorry that i can only post the finished tree. its finals week again and i cant break down the tree's per levels so im just going to post the finished lvl 100 tree. You guys can watch the video of me making the tree is you guys want a little explanation with the build. but i will update everything when finals are over.

***************1.3 UPDATED LVL 100 TREE*************

**************CHECK YOUTUBE VIDEO OF ME MAKING THE GUIDE*********************

****************LEVELING TREE*********************






basically wear life with resistance for armors.
HERE is a good leveling weapons to start u with
Go to the shop in town and look for a 2h sword that has elemental damage, this should carry you all the way to level 14.
when you get level 14, try to get Shiversting (unique 2h sword). This will carry you all the way to 27
at 27 try to get Geofri's Baptism (unique 2h mace). This can carry you all the way to lvl 44.
at lvl 44 try to get Rigvald's and this will carry you a long way.
After rigvald's you can upgrade when ever you can really.

You can use swords because you won't be using axe nodes til around lvl 70

GG unique gear:

amulet: i am currently testing out CARNAGE HEART atm, i will let u guys know how it works

gloves: SLITHERPINCH unique gloves is really good for this build because it gives you dexterity that you might not have for spectralthrow. It's really good for lvling and end game

helmet: GOLDRIM unique helm should last u a long time until u find that end game with life and resist.

EVERYTHING ELSE: fucos on health = all res> armor> evasion (in beginning levels)

When you get enlightened currency u can finally replace slither pinch for a life and resist gloves. Make sure that you get mana leech in ur rings or gloves because you need t to sustain artic armor.


THE GUIDE IS IN POE FORUMS AT: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1140804


Posts: 4
Two Handed nodes do not help Spectral Throw. Since Spectral Throw is considered a "projectile" attack, any passive with "melee" in the description won't help.
11 years ago
Posts: 9
yeah, i just realize that. but it still helps alot for multistrike. but i edited some of the nodes
11 years ago
Posts: 1
That's not entirely true. Passives that explicitly state Melee Damage won't work, you are correct. But anything that states it as "damage with melee weapons" will, since it's not stating you have to make melee attacks. It works with most weapon specific nodes and the like that say "+damage with swords".
11 years ago
Posts: 5
Update? Great build
10 years ago
Posts: 9
i just updated it bro. i put the final tree up, watch the video im gona post later for leveling details. cant go too much in details because i dont have that much time cus of finals. but yeah hope it helps.
10 years ago
Posts: 1
11 years ago
Posts: 2
It looks good I only have a few suggestions. You dont any evasion rating nodes or the hybrid nodes that give armor and evasion so why go all the way to IR. I would've stopped at the wicked blade or blade master after getting the diamond skin. In the barbarian starting area you didnt get any of his nodes really which he has some of the most useful nodes in the game right there(most everybody tries to make their way to his tree for a reason). Example the other diamond skin node? Heart of the gladiator, the ones that lessen the enemies crits. Elemental adaptation makes your max res even higher and then the last little bit I noticed is you dont have that many accuracy nodes, nor any crit nodes? Why not go up to resolute technique it would honestly have no cons only pros as right now you'll probably have a high 80% chance to hit maybe low 90's. Other then that it looks good alot of health, and alot of armor. End game determination would be better then grace anyways.
11 years ago
Posts: 9
ok, you are right about getting the diamond skin. but i think that it is still worth getting the IR because it is only 2 points to grab it. i edited the final build for it. But i will probably end up dropping both the diamond skin passive after i cap my resist
11 years ago
Posts: 1
Would starting as scion be so devastating to being tanky? You'll get alot more damage that's for sure.. you'll lose the extra life gain from the marauder side.
11 years ago
Posts: 9
yeah, scion is really good for damage and standard mode. But for hardcore i like to PRIORITIES TANK and GOOD DAMAGE. I tested builds before that focus on survival, but the damage is just so insainly low that i go crazy...... the first skill is GOOD TANK and GREAT DAMAGE, and the second build IS AN UBER TANK(thinking of getting carnage amulet) and GOOD DAMAGE. so im leaning more to the UBER TANK with 6.6% life regen. i will test it out
11 years ago
Posts: 2
Why not take Greater multiple projectile instead of lesser ? It cost more but make more damages too.
11 years ago
Posts: 9
its less damage actually
11 years ago
Posts: 2
And why not Vaal Pact ? Maybe it's a good idéa with all the Blood Magic gems ? I think i might be a good idéa ... but pots are important.

Can you try it ? I'm not a marauder with spectral throw ... Thanks !
11 years ago
Posts: 9
i havent tried it, i was thinking about it. just recently made it to merciles. trying to upgrade my gears now
11 years ago
Posts: 9
ok, guys, im gona try to reroll a 2h spectral throw again, i will update this and see how it goes
10 years ago
Posts: 1
So, Will there be any updates to this build after the patch?
10 years ago
Posts: 9
ok, since theres still a lot of people looking at this build, i will try to update it. but for now i am experementing with searing bond build. i will try to update it ASAP. but im goin to LA for a couple of days for vacation. ill update it when i get back and put up my searing bond build too
10 years ago

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