Duelist Duel-Wielding Swords Like a BA (Duelist)

Submitted by Burgy on November 19, 2013 - 7:01PM CST
Page Views: 24723
Last Updated: March 7, 2014 - 8:40PM CST

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Rather simple: title says it all. Comments/suggestions with rationals welcome.

Suggested Leagues: Standard

Passive Skills

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Gem Set #1

Dual Strike

Attacks with both weapons, dealing the damage of both in one strike. Dual wield only. Does not work with wands.

Dual Strike

Causes you to attack quickly three times with a melee attack. New targets are selected for subsequent attacks if available.


Initiates a spinning series of attacks as you travel to a target location.

Added Fire Damage

Adds fire damage to a skill, giving it a chance to ignite targets.

Added Fire Damage

Gem Set #2

Flicker Strike

Teleports the character to a nearby monster and attacks it with a melee weapon. If no specific monster is chosen, one is picked at random. The cooldown can be bypassed by expending a Frenzy Charge.

Flicker Strike

Causes you to attack quickly three times with a melee attack. New targets are selected for subsequent attacks if available.


Performs an attack that gives the character a frenzy charge if it hits. Frenzy charges increase your attack speed.

Added Fire Damage

Adds fire damage to a skill, giving it a chance to ignite targets.

Added Fire Damage

Gem Set #3


Casts an aura that increases the attack speed and cast speed of you and your allies.


Increases the quality of supported skill gems. This allows the quality to exceed 20%.

Viper Strike

Inflicts a debuff on the foe, which deals chaos damage over time and can stack up to four times. Each time it is re-applied, the duration is refreshed. Requires a claw, dagger or sword.

Viper Strike
Increased Duration

Increases the duration of the skill.

Increased Duration

Gem Set #0

Decoy Totem

Summons a totem that taunts nearby monsters to attack it.

Decoy Totem
Increased Duration

Increases the duration of the skill.

Increased Duration


Help Oak in Normal Difficulty - Rewards +40 to Maximum Life
Help Kraityn in Cruel Difficulty - Rewards +6% to Attack Speed
Help Kraityn in Merciless Difficulty - Rewards +1 to Maximum Frenzy Charge


Flicker strike for a distance closer. Cyclone for aoe. Viper opener for the dot. Frenzy to build up the charges on bosses or larger groups. Then just duel strikes with multistrike to dps them down.


Posts: 5
phase run aint in official release it was only in closed beta i think
11 years ago
Posts: 2

I don't fancy so much the charges, and I took out some other points that I didn't like, 40% chance to avoid been blocked and 30% increased heal from flasks. I didn't took the extra chance to block with dual down there. But in exchange I would go for the shadow's amazing crit 50% chance + 30% multiplier, and you missed just just 2 nodes away also in shadow's tree weapon artistry, with that node I almost covered the 5 nodes to block down there. So, with all the saved nodes you can go a bit further in marauders area and get 21% attack speed 15% physical damage and +6 resists.
11 years ago
Posts: 2
I'm replying myself to just make more clear what I said above.

Even if you want to go for the frenzy charges, you could use those 2 points instead of +10str and +6resists.

But the still 14 nodes of difference are the next:

In your build:
133 Str - 273 Dex - 14 int
+10% dmg
+6% block
+4% atack speed
+30% heal from flask
+40% reduced enemy chance to block
+8% evasion rating

In my build:
163 Str - 283 Dex - 14 Int
+45% dmg
+4% block
+21% atack speed
+50% crit chance
+30% crit multiplier
11 years ago
Posts: 8
Personally I am always a fan of more dps, and you added damage and crit bonuses while still increasing main stat. Looks nice. I like the Frenzy charges primarily for boss fights where I can start with FrenzyX3 and then just fly through them. Also I realized that I don't need as much evasion/block now that I got Decoy totem. Thanks for the input!
11 years ago
Posts: 8
With this knowledge I've added in a decoy totem to tank for me while I stab things in the back and build up frenzy charges.
11 years ago

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