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Not sure if that node is additive or multiplicative? Wondering if Incinerate can crit? Discuss Path of Exile game mechanics here.
Re: Some questions summoner build. - 11 years ago
Minion Instability's damage cannot be increased. It will always deal 33% of the minion's maximum life. Yes, EE and AoF would "stack". The elemental damage you deal due to EE would be converted to a different element with Vertraag - Game Mechanics
Re: Subscription Model - 11 years ago
I agree that not enough is offered to merit a subscription model now. I am working on something that might make it worth your while though, so check back soonby Vertraag - Suggestions
Re: What a disappointment - 11 years ago
Hi there. I'm sorry to hear this happened to you. Your login session will timeout after 2 hours of inactivity. This means that if you do not physically browse to any other page in the span of 2 hours, you will be logged out automatically. In order to circumvent this, you could open the site in a new tab periodically to reset the timeout back to 2 hours. I know this isn't the most elegant solutionby Vertraag - General Discussion
Re: Post on reddit! - 11 years ago
Yes, I didn't get brutally slaughtered this time We also gained a ton of new members during that Vertraag - Suggestions
Re: Love the new design! - 11 years ago
Glad you like everything. More improvements are coming soon I am also planning to post one new build per day from now Vertraag - General Discussion
Re: Highlighted skills on builds? - 11 years ago
Hi there. The background color determines whether a gem is a skill gem or a support gem. Light blue backgrounds mean that the gem is a skill gem, while the darker background means that it is a support gem. In most cases, people will list gems in order of importance. So if you have a 5-linked piece of gear, you would just use the first 5 gems in that Vertraag - General Discussion
Re: Incinerate and casting speed - 11 years ago
And for what it's worth, the Faster Casting gem extends the range of the Vertraag - Game Mechanics
Re: Anyone have an incinerate build? - 11 years ago
Actually, I think Added Lightning Damage is pretty useful. You can still shock mobs pretty easily with Vertraag - General Discussion
Re: Ice Shield? - 11 years ago
It's apparently called Arctic Armour, and nothing like Phase Run at Vertraag - General Discussion
Re: When is the new patch supposed to come out? - 11 years ago
It came out at around 8 or 9pm EST last week. They just started a 3 hour race so I'd imagine it'll be out shortly after that, probably at 8:30 or 9 this evening. They haven't made any formal announcements that the patch is being pushed Vertraag - General Discussion
Re: Ice Shield? - 11 years ago
I think Ice Shield is the new version of Phase Run. Taken from the Path of Exile site: Makes you hard to see, and increases your movement speed. Lasts for a short duration or until you make an attack or cast a spell. If that attack is a melee attack, it deals extra damage. I'm sure it's a modified version of it, though, considering it has a completely new name, different visual effect, andby Vertraag - General Discussion
Zero-Tolerance Policy for Rudeness - 11 years ago
One thing I've noticed about the Path of Exile community is how over-the-top vicious a bulk of the playerbase can be. That won't be tolerated here. Swearing is fine, but outright insulting or flaming another user will earn you a fast mute in these forums and our commenting system. Is it really that hard to be civil? I think Vertraag - General Discussion
Re: Cyclone and critting - 11 years ago
What you read was correct. If the first hit from Cyclone crits, they'll all crit; otherwise none of them Vertraag - Game Mechanics
Re: New drop changes... - 11 years ago
I like the changes, personally. They extended the timer, so you have more time to grab loot that actually drops for you. If you miss it, it's officially up for grabs by anyone, so there's no more arguing over "ninja looting". It'll be nice to not hear quite as much whining Vertraag - General Discussion
Re: Post on reddit! - 11 years ago
I actually tried this yesterday, but was quickly shot down and downvoted to Vertraag - Suggestions
Vertraag - 11 years ago
Hi everyone. I'm Vertraag, the administrator and developer of this website. I am a huge fan of Path of Exile and look forward to continuing the development of this website for many years to come. If you ever need help with anything, feel free to either PM me on these forums or add me to your friends list in-game. My main character's name is Unguided, a wand Vertraag - Introduce Yourself