PoE releasing a mobile-friendly version
April 13, 2022 08:19PM
If you've been playing Path of Exile or PoE for a while, you know how complex it can be. One could spend hours trying to understand everything there is to understand, but that would only scratch the surface. Hope you took the time to absorb as much as possible. Players expect complexity to carry over to mobile play, but that's rarely the case. Well, everyone is worried, but Path of Exile Mobile plans to break that mold and all sorts of stigmas in the gaming industry.

You've played these games long enough to know that the mobile versions of certain games leave a lot to be desired. While you might be excited about Path of Exile or PoE releasing a version for mobile devices, you worry about what might be missing. Don't worry, in this article we're going to cover all the possible steps your favorite Path of Exile is taking to break the gaming industry's stigma towards mobile gaming

Before you find out what PoE is doing to break the unfortunate pattern many games fall into, it's worth knowing what to expect from this mobile version. The date is currently unknown. The only thing you can do is to keep waiting for the release date because it will come eventually.

But it's not all bad. You can entertain yourself with normal PoE games. You still have many bosses to defeat. Also, you need to buy PoE currency to get all the things you need to be at your best. Basically, life in exile has to go on and you have to learn to endure a little more. According to the latest reports, it will likely be released sometime in 2022.

The first thing we should discuss is the developers of Path of Exile. Those who love what these guys have created should thank them again. Their commitment to the game and to the players is the reason for one of the most important decisions regarding the mobile version. And what decision is that? They develop this version internally for mobile devices. That might not seem like a big deal, but it's one way PoE is trying to break the mold.

By developing the mobile version themselves, they can ensure that the design is perfect. These people know the game well. They love it and know it very well. The in-house designers know better than anyone what players want and they are responsible for the development of this mobile version. This development is significant because mobile games are typically developed this way.

When developing a mobile version of a game, developers most often outsource the project. This step makes sense, doesn't it? The developers are more focused on their bread and butter, which is the main version of the game. Also, it's usually cheaper to let them grow out. The problem is that they usually outsource this task to companies, which do the same for many other game makers.

The company sees this new mobile version of the game as another project. They may not be interested in developing a specific product that PoE fans would approve. It's about the dedication and genuine understanding that an in-house team brings. Grinding Gear Games or GGG might be a long time coming, but at least that's what it's doing in New Zealand.
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