Diablo 2: Resurrected: The Best Farming Spots In Each Act (Marauder)
Submitted by nfkjasfas on June 25, 2022 - 3:47AM CDT
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Are you a lover of Square Enix's HD-2D titles What game do you want to see remade in this fashion Let us know in the comments D2R Items, or leave your thoughts directly on Twitter at @Marcdachamp to discuss everything gaming! Sony Announces Plan to End the PS4Sony has revealed that it's planning to finally wind down the PlayStation 4.When it was first launched in 2013, the PS4 has gone on to be not just one of Sony's most successful consoles but it's also become one of the most popular video game platforms ever. However, Sony is now looking to sell the PS5 as its main equipment, which means the PS4 is likely to come to its end. As of now, thanks to the new instructions from Sony, we have an idea of what time the PS4 could officially go to the side.
In Sony's most recent financial report, it was explained that games that are available for PS4 will be gone in 2025. However, this doesn't mean that the old PS4 games won't be available for purchase, however Sony will definitely finish releasing new games on the platform by this time. Instead 2025, Sony has predicted that the majority of its earnings from games will come via PlayStation 5, with titles for PC and mobile devices also contributing around a quarter of the revenue.
Overall, this surely shouldn't come as a surprise considering that the PS5 is expected to be Sony's primary area of focus in the months to come. But it's important to mention that even at this moment, it's the PS4 is a console that Sony is still manufacturing and releasing games for. In fact, this year's top PlayStation title, God of War Ragnarok Best place to buy D2R items, is still expected to arrive on PS4 in the event that it ever does.