Monkey Style (Duelist)

Submitted by mac2monster on March 12, 2015 - 8:56PM CDT
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Unarmed Shield Duelist

Suggested Leagues: Standard, Hardcore

Passive Skills

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Gem Set #1

Herald of Ash

Molten Shell

Summons fiery elemental shields providing additional armour for a short duration. If cumulative physical damage prevented by your blocking or armour reaches a threshold, the shields explode outwards, dealing fire damage to surrounding enemies.

Molten Shell

Gem Set #3


Casts an aura that grants mana regeneration to you and your allies.



Fire Trap

Throws a trap that explodes when triggered, leaving an area of burning ground that damages enemies who walk through it.

Fire Trap


Kill all the bandits in Normal Difficulty - Rewards 1 Passive Skill Point
Kill all the bandits in Cruel Difficulty - Rewards 1 Passive Skill Point
Kill all the bandits in Merciless Difficulty - Rewards 1 Passive Skill Point


+758% unarmed damage unique gloves


Found some gloves with unarmed damage on them so starting a new build.


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