Berserker! (Marauder)
Submitted by mac2monster on February 26, 2015 - 7:44PM CST
Page Views: 8977
Last Updated: August 11, 2015 - 3:10PM CDT
Any weapon type MarauderSuggested Leagues: Standard, Hardcore
Passive Skills
Each link will open in a new tab in your browser.Gems
Main Dps (Static Strike)

Lightning Strike

Added Fire Damage

Weapon Elemental Damage
Herald of Ash

Molten Shell

Reduced Mana

Cast When Damage Taken

Enduring Cry

Increased Area of Effect

Leap Slam

Endurance Charge on Melee Stun


Extra Dps (Retaliation)

Molten Shell

Life Gain on Hit

Life Leech
Kill all the bandits in Normal Difficulty - Rewards 1 Passive Skill PointKill all the bandits in Cruel Difficulty - Rewards 1 Passive Skill PointKill all the bandits in Merciless Difficulty - Rewards 1 Passive Skill PointGear
Full armour gear with at least one 4 link for main attack.High dps fast if possible 2 h weapon.
This worked really well through normal and totally destroyed Oranges with little difficulty with proper gearing. I was able to maintain max elemental resistances, fairly high armour, and significant dps ( though I had uniques, yellows actually started to out dps them in the 30's). A few fights were harder when accuracy was low. Dominus was a non issue.Next up, cruel
Posts: 3
hmm, and this one at is not only "worked really well through", but also latest and with complete overview on the berserker class - definetly smth for more hardcore poe maniacs :D you welcome!
5 years ago