Shadow Energy-Shield Leech (Never used by me) (Shadow)
Submitted by Rafaelbp on January 5, 2015 - 1:10PM CST
Page Views: 4736
Last Updated: Never
Same objective of the life-leech one, but based on energy shield (I don't know if I'm doing a build that sucks, but suddenly I thought what if I stole and depended of energy shield instead of life?) I'm a begginer, so probably there are some mistakesSuggested Leagues: Standard
Passive Skills
Each link will open in a new tab in your browser.Gems
Main skill (actually, the only one that I could think of)
Scape skill
Whirling Blades
Single Target (I couldn\'t think of any other)
Dual Strike
Kill all the bandits in Normal Difficulty - Rewards 1 Passive Skill PointKill all the bandits in Cruel Difficulty - Rewards 1 Passive Skill PointKill all the bandits in Merciless Difficulty - Rewards 1 Passive Skill PointGear
Claws.....Mainly claws, since they give life-leech, wich is converted to energy shield leech int his build, which is really important to you to survive.
I think they should give us a bigger place to descriptions, but as they don't, I will write down here a couple of things about the build:I'm not sure if it's good, because I didn't play with it and since I am a begginer, as I sad before, I don't really know how strong an energy shield can get, so I may have overestimated it.
The idea is basically to fight big groups of enemies, hitting them all, to recover the energy shield faster, using any multiple-targets skill, like reave. I put reave because I really like this skill, and I put whirling blades so you can run when it's time for that.
Please comment for hints, or just to say that the build isn't good at all, because I want to learn more about this game. If you know a lot about energy shield, please comment a lonk about it or whatever that may help me to understand.
Thank you to read until here.
Posts: 2
Looks like it should be okay, but try using Essentia Sanguis Eye Gouger to free up a point in Ghost Reaver later on and I would definitely not do CI too soon either until you have better end game gear. Let me know if you've tried this build so far and how it's working out for you, the build I'm doing is primarily a high crit-es build with daggers.
10 years ago