FSX90's SpecThrow Marauder (Marauder)

Submitted by FSX90 on March 22, 2014 - 4:35PM CDT
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Uses The Blood Dance+Blood Rage to get massive amounts of Life Regen+Leech

Suggested Leagues: Standard, Hardcore, Ambush

Passive Skills

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2h Axe - Frenzy (or Double Strike)


Performs an attack that gives the character a frenzy charge if it hits. Frenzy charges increase your attack speed.

Faster Attacks

Increases the attack speed of physical skills.

Faster Attacks

Causes you to attack quickly three times with a melee attack. New targets are selected for subsequent attacks if available.

Melee Physical Damage

Increases melee physical damage dealt.

Melee Physical Damage
Life Leech

Restores players life based on damage dealt to enemies.

Life Leech
Blood Magic

This skill is cast using life rather than mana.

Blood Magic

Evasion Chest Gear - Spectral Throw

Spectral Throw

Throws a spectral copy of your melee weapon. It flies out and then returns to you, in a spinning attack that strikes enemies in its path.

Spectral Throw
Faster Attacks

Increases the attack speed of physical skills.

Faster Attacks
Physical Projectile Attack Damage

Increases physical projectile attack damage while reducing projectile attack speed.

Physical Projectile Attack Damage
Lesser Multiple Projectiles

Causes 2 additional projectiles to be fired by projectile skills.

Lesser Multiple Projectiles
Life Leech

Restores players life based on damage dealt to enemies.

Life Leech
Blood Magic

This skill is cast using life rather than mana.

Blood Magic

Armor Head Gear - Cast When Damage Taken

Cast When Damage Taken

Supported skills have a chance to cast supported spells when you take damage. You cannot cast supported spells directly. Also reduces damage taken.

Cast When Damage Taken
Enduring Cry

Performs a warcry, adding endurance charges proportional to the number of surrounding enemies. Taunts all nearby enemies to attack the caster.

Enduring Cry
Immortal Call

Discharges Endurance Charges, making the character invulnerable to physical damage for a short time, proportional to how many endurance charges were expended.

Immortal Call
Warlords Mark

Curses all targets in an area. Attacks on the cursed targets will leech life and mana, and killing them will result in more flask charges and a chance to gain an endurance charge.

Warlords Mark

Armor/Evasion or Evasion Gloves - Auras

Reduced Mana

Reduces the mana cost of the skill.

Reduced Mana

Casts an aura that grants evasion to you and your allies.


Casts an aura that increases the attack speed and cast speed of you and your allies.


Casts an aura that increases the cold damage of you and your allies.


The Blood Dance - Utility

Blood Magic

This skill is cast using life rather than mana.

Blood Magic
Leap Slam

Jump into the air, damaging enemies (and knocking back some) with your main hand where you land. Requires an axe, mace, sword or staff.

Leap Slam
Blood Rage

Adds a buff that deals Chaos Damage over time, while increasing Attack Speed and Life Leech. Killing an enemy while this buff is active refreshes the buff duration, and grants a Frenzy Charge.

Blood Rage
Bear Trap

Throws a trap that damages and immobilises a single enemy.

Bear Trap


Flask Set 1

Life Flask

Restores 960 Life over 8 seconds.

Consumes 10 out of 30 charges on use.

Each percentage of quality adds 1% Life restored.

Life Flask
Jade Flask

Increases your Evasion Rating by 3,000 for 5 seconds.

Consumes 40 out of 60 charges on use.

Each percentage of quality adds .04 seconds to the duration.

Jade Flask
Jade Flask

Increases your Evasion Rating by 3,000 for 5 seconds.

Consumes 40 out of 60 charges on use.

Each percentage of quality adds .04 seconds to the duration.

Jade Flask
Amethyst Flask

Temporarily increases Chaos Resistance by 35% for 3.5 seconds.

Consumes 30 out of 60 charges on use.

Each percentage of quality adds .035 seconds to the duration.

Amethyst Flask
Quicksilver Flask

Increases Movement Speed by 40% for 5 seconds.

Consumes 20 out of 50 charges on use.

Each percentage of quality adds .05 seconds to the duration.

Quicksilver Flask


Help Oak in Normal Difficulty - Rewards +40 to Maximum Life
Help Oak in Cruel Difficulty - Rewards +12% to Physical Damage
Help Kraityn in Merciless Difficulty - Rewards +1 to Maximum Frenzy Charge


Mods to focus on in order of importance:
Max Life (You heal more the more HP you have)
Chaos Resist (You deal Chaos damage to yourself with Blood Rage)
Fire/Cold/Lightning Resist (You want to take less damage from everything else)
+Physical Damage (You want to kill things faster)
+% Attack Speed (You want to kill things faster)
+Str (You want to kill things faster (Iron Grip), you want more hp)

Types of Gear.
You want to get as much Evasion as possible. Evasion>Armor.
The way Iron Reflexes works, your passive +%Evasion Rating will give bonus evasion rating, then Iron Reflexes will turn all that evasion into Armor, and then your passive +%Armor will give bonus armor. So in the case of the notable passive Leather and Steel, 1000 Evasion will be 1240 Evasion (24% more), then converted to 1240 Armor, then the bonus armor will give you 1537.6 Armor (24% more), whereas 1000 Armor will just give you 1240 Armor. Keep in mind that Armor gives diminishing returns, so you don't have to focus on stacking lots of it.

You don't have to use Grace, Haste, and Hatred.
Other viable options are... Purity of Fire/Cold, Determination, Purity of Lightning/Elements (if you can get enough Int mods on gear). If you decide to run less than 3x 60% auras, you don't have to invest as much passives for Reduced Mana Reserved, and you can focus more on Physical Damage and/or Life. There are numerous nodes that this build passes that is not taken for sheer lack of points.


The goal for this build is to attain and maintain lots of Frenzy charges. Because of The Blood Dance, each Frenzy charge gives 1% of your max life as Regen. With 6 maximum Frenzy charges (3base, +2 passives, +1 bandit), that's 9.5% of max life that you're regenerating. The Blood Rage also gives a hefty boost to Life Leech which makes you fairly tanky.

Spectral Throw is a great aoe skill for anyone using a melee weapon. You 'can' swap it out with another aoe skill of your choice (ex. Cleave/Cyclone/Sweep/Leap Slam), but... why would you? Now I prefer Physical Projectile attack damage over Faster Projectiles, but if you feel like you want Faster Projectiles, go for it. I don't recommend using Slower Projectiles though. Also... You can use Life Gain on Hit instead of Life Leech if you want. Life Leech does better the better your weapon is. LGOH just heals you no matter how much damage you do.

Frenzy is a good skill to have with The Blood Dance. It's a great alternative to Blood Rage for stacking up charges, especially against bosses like Brutus who is always by himself, so it would be impossible to get charges otherwise. There are other skills with a lot higher base damage, but for this build I think Frenzy's utility is considerably better than anything else.

As for leveling... I find that using the Blood Magic Keystone is very effective before you have that 5 or 6 link that you need for using the Blood Magic support gem with multiple 60% auras and a close to max level Reduced Mana gem.


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