very cheap ground slammer (Marauder)
Submitted by Kilroy on February 27, 2014 - 11:48AM CST
Page Views: 10200
Last Updated: June 19, 2014 - 8:21AM CDT
BoomBadaBoum!This is big bad Mara!Suggested Leagues: Standard, Hardcore, Solo Race, Party Race, Ambush, Invasion
Passive Skills
Each link will open in a new tab in your browser.Gems
single target

Heavy Strike

Life Gain on Hit

Melee Physical Damage


Ground Slam

Life Gain on Hit

Melee Physical Damage

mobility and good aoe attack too

Leap Slam

Life Gain on Hit

Melee Physical Damage
just to keep your endurance charges running

Enduring Cry


Rejuvenation Totem

Cast When Damage Taken

Molten Shell


Immortal Call
Flask Set 1

Quicksilver Flask

Quicksilver Flask

Life Flask

Life Flask

Life Flask
Help Oak in Normal Difficulty - Rewards +40 to Maximum LifeHelp Oak in Cruel Difficulty - Rewards +12% to Physical DamageHelp Oak in Merciless Difficulty - Rewards +1 to Maximum Endurance ChargeGear
Armour only gearGuide
you just need 4 red sockets and link them so its cheapleap slam good for going in or out to battle
remember use enduring cry it helps you alot in later game
suggest some changes for this build im open minded lol
take mortal conviction with auras
Posts: 1
I was actually designing this character before I seen this build post. The zealot was one of the best characters I ever had in Diablo 2. I started my build with a Templar. Theres alot of defense and life points in that part of the tree. I was thinking about resolute technique but I was thinking with the attack speed if its really necessary? I was thinking trying to buff the char with high crit chance. Has anyhone gotten this design to end game?
11 years ago