(Outdated) Ultimate Scion Dont-Touch! (Scion)
Submitted by shadowzrag on January 18, 2014 - 8:49AM CST
Page Views: 8286
Last Updated: January 18, 2014 - 10:11AM CST
A funny guide about a scionSuggested Leagues: Standard, Hardcore, Solo Race, Party Race, Domination, Nemesis
Passive Skills
Each link will open in a new tab in your browser.Gems
Gem Set #1

Gem Set #2

Cast On Death

Animate Weapon
Gem Set #3

Blood Rage
Kill all the bandits in Normal Difficulty - Rewards 1 Passive Skill PointKill all the bandits in Cruel Difficulty - Rewards 1 Passive Skill PointKill all the bandits in Merciless Difficulty - Rewards 1 Passive Skill PointGuide
This Scion its kinda difficult to play, not in the first levels, but about level 40, its... complicated.If anyone hit you, you will die, I highly recommend this for hardcore and nemesis since its so funny...
Please, comment and rate, this is my first build, enjoy!