(Outdated) Thors Thundering Marauder 1.0.2 (Marauder)
Submitted by Itsrambotime on December 21, 2013 - 11:21PM CST
Page Views: 7464
Last Updated: December 23, 2013 - 10:37AM CST
lightning strike hardcore marauder buildSuggested Leagues: Hardcore, Nemesis
Passive Skills
Each link will open in a new tab in your browser.Gems
Lightning strike

Lightning Strike


Reduced Mana

Faster Attacks

Lightning Penetration

Mana Leech
Lightning strike With BM

Lightning Strike

Blood Magic

Life Leech


Faster Attacks

Lightning Penetration
Curses for Mana Build




Reduced Mana

Curses For BM




Reduced Mana
Leap Slam

Leap Slam

Faster Attacks
Flask Set 1

Life Flask

Life Flask

Mana Flask

Granite Flask

Quicksilver Flask
Flask Set 2

Life Flask

Life Flask

Life Flask

Granite Flask

Quicksilver Flask
Help Oak in Normal Difficulty - Rewards +40 to Maximum LifeKill all the bandits in Cruel Difficulty - Rewards 1 Passive Skill PointKill all the bandits in Merciless Difficulty - Rewards 1 Passive Skill PointGear
CRIT, 2h wepon + attack speed, Physical damage Lightning damage, Lots of life and ALL RES!All else is optional and not required but nice to have none the less.
Note: Gems are in order of Recommended importance. if you cannot get a 6l item use the 5l set of gems (ex. LS+BM+Life leech+MultiStrike+Faster casting is the 5l version.)
Subject to change, let me know if you find blatant flaws with the build, or any tips.Pick Marauder for the nice starting life nodes and Resists nearby, with the skill tree we wont have to get too much off of gear. Single target skills are nice but not necessary, Personally i'll run the starting heavy strike with added fire early to help in boss/rare fights.
so the gems would be (LS+BM+life leech+Multistrike +faster casting+Lightning Pen) in order of importance never use BM without life leech and crazy regeneration!
There is probably a better more min/maxed version floating around but this is my attempt at a build i hope you like.
GL & Stay Safe guys!
Edit: 1.0.1
- Added the Blood Magic version of LS. along with a separate set of flasks for each version. (namely one has a mana the other has 3 life)
- Fixed Grammar errors.
- Character started. Guide coming soon (tm)
- Added The alternate curses for BM/Mana versions
- added leveling skill trees
Edit: 1.0.2
- Added MultiStrike instead of Added Lightning
- Updated edit section
- Other fixes