(Outdated) Cleave Templar is not dead! (Templar)

Submitted by Nissaschoosen on November 8, 2013 - 10:23AM EST
Page Views: 14614
Last Updated: November 8, 2013 - 10:38AM EST

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Adaptation of the old ele cleave builds for release

Suggested Leagues: Standard, Hardcore, Domination, Nemesis

Passive Skills

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Cleave 6l


The character swings their weapon (or both weapons if dual wielding) in an arc towards the target. Also does damage to other nearby monsters. Only works with Axes and Swords.

Weapon Elemental Damage

Increases elemental damage dealt by weapons.

Weapon Elemental Damage
Melee Physical Damage

Increases melee physical damage dealt.

Melee Physical Damage
Concentrate Area of Effect

Reduces the radius of area of effect skills and increases their damage.

Concentrate Area of Effect
Faster Attacks

Increases the attack speed of physical skills.

Faster Attacks
Reduced Mana

Reduces the mana cost of the skill.

Reduced Mana

Cast When Damage Taken stuff

Temporal Chains

Curses all targets in an area, making time pass more slowly for them. They will move, attack and cast at a reduced speed, and effects on them will expire more slowly.

Temporal Chains
Cast When Damage Taken

Supported skills have a chance to cast supported spells when you take damage. You cannot cast supported spells directly. Also reduces damage taken.

Cast When Damage Taken
Enduring Cry

Performs a warcry, adding endurance charges proportional to the number of surrounding enemies. Taunts all nearby enemies to attack the caster.

Enduring Cry

Double Strike

Double Strike

Performs two fast attacks on target enemy with your main hand melee weapon.

Double Strike
Weapon Elemental Damage

Increases elemental damage dealt by weapons.

Weapon Elemental Damage
Melee Physical Damage

Increases melee physical damage dealt.

Melee Physical Damage
Reduced Mana

Reduces the mana cost of the skill.

Reduced Mana



Casts an aura that adds lightning damage to the attacks of you and your allies.

Reduced Mana

Reduces the mana cost of the skill.

Reduced Mana

Casts an aura that grants mana regeneration to you and your allies.


Creates a portal to the current area's town.


Rounding out

Leap Slam

Jump into the air, damaging enemies (and knocking back some) with your main hand where you land. Requires an axe, mace, sword or staff.

Leap Slam
Blood Rage

Adds a buff that deals Chaos Damage over time, while increasing Attack Speed and Life Leech. Killing an enemy while this buff is active refreshes the buff duration, and grants a Frenzy Charge.

Blood Rage
Decoy Totem

Summons a totem that taunts nearby monsters to attack it.

Decoy Totem

Other Cast When Damage Taken

Immortal Call

Discharges Endurance Charges, making the character invulnerable to physical damage for a short time, proportional to how many endurance charges were expended.

Immortal Call
Cast When Damage Taken

Supported skills have a chance to cast supported spells when you take damage. You cannot cast supported spells directly. Also reduces damage taken.

Cast When Damage Taken
Molten Shell

Summons fiery elemental shields providing additional armour for a short duration. If cumulative physical damage prevented by your blocking or armour reaches a threshold, the shields explode outwards, dealing fire damage to surrounding enemies.

Molten Shell
Blood Magic

This skill is cast using life rather than mana.

Blood Magic


Flask Set 1

Life Flask

Restores 960 Life over 8 seconds.

Consumes 10 out of 30 charges on use.

Each percentage of quality adds 1% Life restored.

Life Flask
Life Flask

Restores 960 Life over 8 seconds.

Consumes 10 out of 30 charges on use.

Each percentage of quality adds 1% Life restored.

Life Flask
Quicksilver Flask

Increases Movement Speed by 40% for 5 seconds.

Consumes 20 out of 50 charges on use.

Each percentage of quality adds .05 seconds to the duration.

Quicksilver Flask
Granite Flask

Increases Armor by 3,000 for 4 seconds.

Consumes 30 out of 60 charges on use.

Each percentage of quality adds .04 seconds to the duration.

Granite Flask
Mana Flask

Restores 550 Mana over 7 seconds.

Consumes 20 out of 40 charges on use.

Each percentage of quality adds 1% Mana restored.

Mana Flask


Help Oak in Normal Difficulty - Rewards +40 to Maximum Life
Help Oak in Cruel Difficulty - Rewards +12% to Physical Damage
Help Oak in Merciless Difficulty - Rewards +1 to Maximum Endurance Charge


The basic idea of this build is to scale cleave with elemental and physical damage. Use cleave for aoe and double strike for single target. Leap slam will help you to manage packs. In most cases, you won't need to use decoy, but I have left it there for situations where you think you might die, and don't want to log out.

Not sure that the gem set up is "perfect" so feel free to use whatever things that suit your play-style. For myself I prefer using clarity and reduced mana's for mana consumption, but if you want you can forgo this, get a different aura and use blood magic gems to support your cleave. You should have enough life leech to sustain you just from the passive tree and blood rage.

Aside from that, levelling a cleave templar is not to bad. Level up your templar shouldn't be to tricky. You can "waste" a point and get get the 40% mana regen node at the start of templar if you feel like you can't quite sustain all of your abilities. Or you can get the reduced mana nodes along the way and spec out of them later. If you feel like you need more survivability, faith and steel is close by. You can also choose to reorder things and get more damage nodes earlier if your gear is amazing, or your on standard and don't care about dying. Look out for high dex gear and elemental gear as that can really boost your damage, and let you use faster swords.


Posts: 1
hey hi can you tell me how am i supposed to have 6 gems linked if 3 is the max for weapons?? :D
11 years ago
Posts: 1
You can have 6links in chest or 2h weapon, 4links in gloves, boots and helmet and 3links in 1h weapon and shield. You dont have to put offensive gems in weapon to make them work, put them in chest, mate.
11 years ago

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